Public notice regarding intention to terminate participation | December 2024

This notice is to inform the public that the CCTS intends to terminate the participation of the following service providers because there is reason to believe it is no longer providing telecom services and/or services that are within the CCTS’ mandate.

  • 1465539 Ontario Ltd.which is the legal entity that provides telecom services under the brand name Velcom.
  • CaspianWave TSP Inc.
  • Radia Telecom Inc.
  • Querizon Inc.
  • Von Der Welt Inc. which is the legal entity that provides telecom services under the brand name
  • World-Link Communications Inc.

Before doing so, the CCTS seeks public input on whether the company may still be providing in-scope telecom or television services to customers, either under the name listed or under a new/different name. If so, the service provider must, as a result of regulatory requirements, continue to participate in the CCTS, which means customers can complain to the CCTS.

In the event the CCTS terminates their participation, the service providers will still be bound by certain requirements, including and not limited to, abiding by the CCTS rules in respect to confidentiality and in respect to honouring any remedies that have resulted from prior complaints to the CCTS.

If you are still receiving service from this company, please notify us at or call 1-855-697-0521.