The CCTS Procedural Code
Download our Procedural Code to learn more about the duties and procedures of the CCTS.
CCTS Procedural Code PDF-259 KB
The Procedural Code lays out how we accept, investigate, and solve complaints that customers make about their service providers.
This is a summary of what you need to know about our Procedural Code and Privacy Policy:
- We expect you to communicate with us in a respectful manner. We will not tolerate abusive communication or behaviour.
- We expect you to give your service provider a reasonable chance to address your complaint before you submit it to us.
- We collect the following personal information about you and share it with your provider:
- your name
- your contact information
- details about your account and your complaint
- We share this information so we can work with your service provider to solve your complaint.
- We expect you to work with your provider after we have sent them a copy of your complaint.
- If we ask for more information, send it to us as soon as possible. We may close your complaint if we cannot reach you after several tries.
- We need you to tell us, as soon as possible, if you do one of these things:
- agree with the solution we propose
- accept the findings of our investigation
- If you accept our findings or agree with our solution or both, 2 things will happen:
- Your service provider must comply with them.
- You will release your service provider from any claims relating to your complaint.
- We expect you to contact us if your provider does not act on our solution or findings.
- If you choose not to accept our findings, let us know. You are then free to try to solve your complaint in other ways including taking legal action against your provider. If you do this, 2 things will happen:
- We will close your complaint.
- You cannot use any information from your complaint process with us in other proceedings.
- If any part of your complaint is about unpaid charges, your service provider must stop trying to collect these charges until your complaint is closed with the CCTS. You must pay charges that are not related to your complaint.