The CCTS has terminated the participation of 15 service providers
This notice is further to our public notice dated December 13, 2018 in which we advised the public that the CCTS intended to terminate the participation of these service providers because it has reason to believe they no longer provide services that are within the CCTS’ mandate.
- Brama Telecom Inc.
- Giantel Inc.
- Globalive Communications (19472244 Ontario Inc.)
- Green Sunsonic Inc.
- Horizon Solutions and Telecom Corp.
- ILink Communications Inc.
- Manitoba NetSet Ltd.
- MyOntario Telecom
- Pannu Phone Inc.
- Portal One Systems Inc.
- Questzones Inc.
- SensNet Canada Inc.
- Talk Canada (Ontario Reconnect)
- Tata Communications (Canada) ULC
- Vecima Networks Inc.
After investigating the matter, and seeking public input regarding any ongoing activities of these service providers, the CCTS has determined that they no longer provide services within the mandate of the CCTS, and therefore has terminated their participation in the CCTS.
For further information please contact the CCTS at stakeholderrelations@ccts-cprst.ca or by calling toll free 1-855-697-0521.