CRTC Launches Regulatory Proceeding Against VOIS

Ottawa, November 1, 2016 – The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) announced today that it has initiated a proceeding requiring VOIS Inc. to show cause as to why it should not be found in violation of its requirement to participate in the Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services (CCTS).

On August 5, 2016, CCTS terminated VOIS’ participation in the customer complaint handling organization. CCTS did so because VOIS had failed to implement six separate CCTS binding decisions which required VOIS to compensate customers who made complaints about it. It is a regulatory requirement for service providers to participate in CCTS. Thus CCTS referred the matter to the CRTC for further action.

“At the moment, customers of VOIS are without the protection of CCTS’ independent and impartial complaint investigation process,” said Commissioner Howard Maker. “In addition, there are six past customers of VOIS who have yet to receive the remedies that VOIS is required by our rules to provide. We are pleased to see the CRTC taking action to address these concerns.”

VOIS has been given thirty days to respond to the CRTC proceeding, with other parties allowed to intervene, followed by a ten day reply period. If a violation is found, VOIS is to show cause as to why an administrative monetary penalty should not be imposed against it and why the Commission should not impose a mandatory order requiring VOIS to restore its participation in the CCTS.

“We are hopeful that the outcome will be a positive one. Our objective has always been for VOIS to compensate these six deserving customers, and return to full CCTS participation,” said Maker.

The CRTC Telecom Notice of Consultation can be viewed here:

About the Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services (CCTS)

Since July 2007, CCTS has provided consumers with an independent and impartial mechanism for the resolution of complaints about deregulated local and long distance telephone services, as well as wireless service and internet access. This includes billing errors, compliance with contract terms and commitments, service delivery, credit management and collections issues. Visit our website at

For more information: Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services (CCTS),, toll free: 1-855-512-9783