The CCTS has terminated the participation of 5 service providers

This notice is further to our public notices dated September 5 and October 4, 2023 in which we advised the public that the CCTS intended to terminate the participation of these service providers because we had reason to believe they are no longer operating:

  1. NorthWind Wireless Inc.
  2. Blink Internet Service Provider Inc.
  3. Premiere Global Services Inc.
  4. Uni-télécom Inc.
  5. 9059-8533 Québec Inc. (Nogard Communications)

After investigating the matter, and seeking public input regarding any ongoing activities of these service providers, the CCTS has determined that these service providers are no longer operating, and therefore have terminated their participation in the CCTS.

For further information please contact CCTS at  or by calling toll free 1-833-691-1834.