57% Increase in Telecom & TV Customer Complaints

CCTS publishes its 2017-18 Annual Report

Ottawa (November 27, 2018) – The Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS) reports today that its 2017-18 year concluded with a 57% increase in the number of complaints received from Canadian telecom and TV customers, following an 11% increase the previous year. Canadians complained most often about non-disclosure of information, accounting for almost 15% of all issues raised across all service types.

The CCTS also reports a 29% increase in the number of Wireless Code breaches. The most common Code violations involved the failure to properly apply data overage caps, provide contractual documents and disclose key contract terms, and to provide proper notice before disconnection.

As of July 31, 2018, 242 service providers (operating 360 brands) participate in the CCTS. Bell, Rogers and Telus together accounted for half of all the complaints the CCTS accepted in 2017-18; that proportion rises to approximately 68% of all complaints when their “flanker brands” and other related service providers are included.

The CCTS also highlights that complaints about internet service have increased 170% over the last 5 years, a level of growth that is out-pacing the growth in complaints about other services. “The pattern of increasing complaints about internet is cause for concern”, said CCTS Commissioner Howard Maker.

Despite the significant increase in complaints, the CCTS reports that 92% of complaints were successfully resolved to the satisfaction of the customer and the service provider. Over 80% of customers who responded to the CCTS survey disclosed their satisfaction with the CCTS timeliness in handling their complaint and over 90% were happy with the professionalism and the impartiality of the CCTS staff.

“We were challenged by a significant increase in complaints this year,” commented Mr. Maker. “But our focus remained on responding to the growing demand and expectations of Canadian customers. We are happy to say that, again this year, we have met the needs of our customers and continue to offer a solution for customers who need help resolving a dispute with their service provider. This role allows us to gather information about consumer issues and we are pleased to be able to share the details in this annual report.”

Videos on the CCTS’ role and process in both American Sign Language and Langue des signes québecoise are available for viewing.

About the CCTS

We are Canada’s national and independent organization dedicated to resolving customer complaints about telecommunications and television services, fairly and free of charge. This includes billing errors, compliance with contract terms and commitments, service delivery, credit management and collections issues. Let’s talk solutions! www.ccts-cprst.ca


Communications Officer | 613-688-3283 | Toll free: 1-855-512-9783 | communication@ccts-cprst.ca